Wayward adventurer? Individual looking for a little excitement? Usual work not bringing in the gil it used to?You're in Luck! In all of my travels, I've run across plenty of mysteries to solve, oddities to be investigated, or even just folks who could use an extra hand or two. While I'd consider myself an experienced adventurer, I can't be in a thousand places at once! But I can, however, offer you the jobs I've been keeping an ear out for- Maybe you'll be able to help!
These bounties are meant to be fun prompts to inspire rp, character development, or... well, whatever you'd like them to be!
My only turn-in requirement is that you tell C'reme a story of your venture, but feel free to write, draw, Gpose, or use whatever other creative means you'd like to do so! Have fun!!
Here's how it works:
1. Browse the bounties and pick one that calls to you (or pays the most!) and let me know which you're taking!2. Once a bounty has been claimed, you'll have an agreed upon span of time to complete the job. This can be alone, or with friends, and some bounties may require a material turn-in. If your given length of time has passed, you're assumed dead, dying, or worse, and your reward is forfeit.
However, if you find yourself needing more time, let me know and I'll see what i can do for you!3. When the job is done, come find me and tell a story. I want to know all about it, the more detailed the better! With tale shared and items delivered (if applicable!) you'll receive your payout, and can take another job- should you wish to!
Easy, right?
Current Bounties
Young and the Rustless- 100kgil
Ah, the Manufactory! I'd take this one myself, but it's... Complicated. However, my misfortune is your boon: Legend says there's a vein of ore in the northernmost reaches of Coerthas that resists all forms of rust when properly refined. Legend also says it's protected by the mountain's guardian. Head out there to get the facts straight, and maybe come back with some ore, yeah?Highway to Hells- 100kgil
In recent days, rumors of a wandering caravan of merchants has been circling through the city-states. 'C'reme, we hear such rumors all the time, what's the big fuss?' Well, you see, Everyone aboard said caravan has been dead for Years- some have even had their bodies buried, with enough witnesses to confirm it! Now, i've not seen the thing myself, but i've plenty of people looking for answers- see what you can find, and maybe come away from it with a new bauble or two!
Is a secret seeker curious enough to find my notes to him?
Rare, Medium, Well Done- 200kgil
Did you know that the term "Tempered" was originally exclusive to those under Ifrit's thrall? Of all the primals, he claims the most under his name, and as a result, the blanket term for all of those who resonate with primals fall under that name now.
But it IS Ifrit's tempered that are walking the sands of the Thanalan desert, disrupting trade routes and assaulting anyone within a range they can sense. The Brass Blades have been called to Deal with them, but maybe you could get there first?
Claimed Bounties
Disasterpieces- 100k gil
Claimed by: Liren'ra Kolin
A small village of artisans seems to have run into a rather unique predicament. Production of their grand paintings and statues is proceeding as usual, but when the sun sets, they find that the pieces tend to... change. Statues turn their heads and paintings adjust themselves to, ah... Look Directly at you. Rather unnerving and terrible for business, they've asked for someone to investigate this strange happening.Monk's Lament- 200kgil
Claimed By: Havoc Jarngrimmr
A reclusive monastery known for the two twin statues posted at it's gates finds itself in a rather unusual predicament. Where the statues used to guard the property spiritually, the residents now find themselves nearly held hostage by the statues guarding them physically. Pilgrimages have ground to a halt, but more importantly, no shipments of food or supplies have been able to make it past the gate. The monks don't want the statues destroyed, as they hold great value, go give them a visit and see what you can do.
Ah, but i forgot to mention... Said monks have taken a vow of silence, and in their presence, you will also be asked to remain wordless. Sorry...
Please don't look too closely at this invisible ink!! i need my page layout to be nice!Please don't look too closely at this invisible ink!! i need my page layout to be nice!Please don't look too closely at this invisible ink!! i need my page layout to be nice!Please don't look too closely at this invisible ink!! i need my page layout to be nice!Please don't look too closely at this invisible ink!! i need my page layout to be nice!Please don't look too closely at this invisible ink!! i need my page layout to be nice!help
Completed Bounties
What Goes Around- Completed by: Liren'ra Kolin
An assassination gone wrong has left it's target rather vengeful, and rightfully so! She's seeking someone to... return the favor, if you would, but isn't about to make the same mistakes as the original hitman! The lass is requiring a sort of trial run to make sure you're up to the task.
Ah, drama of the rich and powerful! Turns out the initial problem was much simpler than i could have ever expected: A jealous almost-lover trying to take out the object of her affection's competition. What to do when a woman shows up with higher standing than youself? Hire an assassin, of course! Seems they've more Gil than sense out in the wealthier districts of the city.By the Roots- completed by: Sjlfe Odiv
A Thavnairian alchemist seems to have mixed up some tinctures when tending to their garden. Imagine their surprise when the entire bed of orchids got up and walked away!! unfortunately for the nearby residents, they've also become rather... carnivorous. Hunt down the plant-beast before it gets into too much trouble.
But be wary- you may not be the only one doing so!
Instinct is a curious thing, isn't it? The orchids have been slain, but the way the story was told, they certainly didn't make it easy! A trap accidentally set by newly sapient creatures looking for a comfort they were denied made for a good lesson to a new adventurer, I just hope it didn't scare her off...
Beach Episode- completed by: Liren'ra Kolin
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but when hundreds, thousands of teeth wash up on the beach? I think that certainly qualifies as unusual... The locals were too nervous to give it a closer look, maybe you'll go in their stead?
We're learning something new every day! Did you know that there are things called 'dead spots' in the ocean, where a mixture of inhospitable conditions means that there's nothing living in a certain stretch of seascape. Unrelated: did you know that there are giant worms living in the ocean and that they love lining their dens with bones? Well, now you do, and now there's one less of them in the world!The most powerful spell of all: Punch- completed by: Sjlfe Odiv
...and liren'ra Kolin?
The barter system is alive and well in Eorzea! A rather elderly man seems to have set up shop in Buscarron's Druthers, offering an array of magical items in exchange for... ah.. Beating him in hand-to-hand combat. No weapons, no magic, just good old-fashioned brawling! Take caution, though. The way Buscarron tells it, not a single soul has been able to best the man- Don't you think that's a little suspicious?
If you're going to advertise fights, at least do it fair and square! Turns out the bastard was A) actually well in his prime and NOT 100, B) was armed, despite the rules he'd set! Turns out, suspicions were correct and the man was, in fact, conning tavern-dwellers out of their possessions and well-earned gil. What i wasn't expecting was for the Alchemist, of all people, to be the first to throw a punch at the guy!! A barfight that i'm sure was Truly impressive to witness, but! She brought a man's truth to light.